
Meet your Kingdom



12-27-2013, 12:37 AM

She would stir at her mothers touch, small ears twitching at her mothers sweet tones waking the family up. Enola would shift, limbs spreading out, jaws parting in a yawn. Unlike her siblings though the pup would be slow to head out after their mother, one by one she would feel warmth leave her, the forms of her brothers departing, leaving only one left, her father. Briefly the girl would give him a kiss on the nose before finally pulling away, small stubby legs pushing her body off the ground, head low, following the sound of her familys' voices.

Slowly the girl would finally make it to the den entrance, after some bumping around into walls. Body would tremble, the cold sending a chill down her spine, tail tucking in as she brushed against Elias's side. "It's cold momma." She would whisper, nuzzling into her brother's shoulder. This was different from the den, out here it was cold, the wind hurt her small ears and face, nothing like the warm and safe feeling of the den. Why couldn't they stay inside?

Something would make Enola lift her head, tilting to the side at an unfamiliar voice. The voice was kind of like her brothers, a boy, and he said something about a family and called her Queen. Paws would bring her body back so that she stood behind her mother's right foreleg, cheek pressing against her. "Momma, what is a family? And why did he call you Queen?" Her voice was very soft, just above a whisper but lower than how yuo normally spoke to somebody. Head would lift, cloudy grey eyes blindly looking up.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3