
My soul and your soul are forever tangled




Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-09-2023, 07:13 PM

If her mother had any idea of what she was planning, the woman would have been livid. She was sure Bae-Syl wasn’t going to be the most thrilled either, at least not at first. She hadn’t told him where she was going, just left her companions at the den to tell him when he got back from his patrol. There was nothing with her at all – just the tiny pixie as she padded under the soft glow of waxing gibbous. Her green eyes held a faint glow of their own, delighted to stretch her legs. She loved her family, was dutiful toward Ethne, but the young woman could not deny the wandering spirit she had. She had discovered this place by accident one night, before Bae-Syl’s return. And now, as he settled in routine within Ethne, she wanted to share it with him.

The beach was different from the ones owned by the Pirates in Auster… and despite how things had been when she met Eden, hearing what the Pirates had done and what they were capable of made her feel guilty for doubting Azure at all. Eden… had she been lying too? She dismissed the thought. No, this wasn’t about Eden, nor the Pirates. This night was about her and Bae-Syl. She glanced over her shoulder. So far she couldn’t see nor smell him, but the pixie had little doubt he was on his way. The fact that she had wandered away from the safety of pack lands, unarmed, unaided, would bring him running. She felt a bit guilty… but she’d try to make it up to him.

The pixie would stop just before the waves would reach up to her. The moment she disturbed the things within them, the glow would occur. She wanted Bae to be there when she did that. She sat, curled her tail around her paws, and lifted her gaze towards the horizon, towards the rising moon while she waited.

"Talk, 'Think.'

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1. My soul and your soul are forever tangled The Shimmering Shore 07:13 PM, 04-09-2023 06:21 AM, 09-25-2023