
to DYE for (pun intended)




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
04-09-2023, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2023, 11:53 PM by Halo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Halo was pleasantly surprised when not only Dread, but Andromeda and Keahi too, arrived to help her. Many hands made light work, and it would seem that they'd be able to make quick work of what would take her an afternoon on her own. She chuckled softly as Dread asked if she was making soup. Maybe it did look a bit like that, actually, now that she thought of it. The vegetables, the pots of water, the heat source... true. "Not quite... actually that sounds good, now that you bring it up." She smiled softly, considering the still-chilly evenings. Maybe she would make soup one of these evenings.

Andromeda appeared not long after Dread. Halo smiled softly to the girl, a warmth about her. "Thank you for coming, Andromeda. I don't think we've gotten a chance to really spend time together, I'm Halo. I'm glad you're here." Not just for the sake of extra hands, either. It was nice to get to spend time with the yearlings. Keahi appeared as well, and she was right. Three pots, three of them, and three piles of vegetables. "Very true, thank you all for coming. We're going to be turning these vegetables into dye. Some are extras leftover from our winter storage, and some are from the early harvest that isn't really good to eat yet." Halo explained softly as she set a pile of vegetables in front of each wolf. A pile of beets for Dread, a pile of yellow onions for Andromeda, and a pile of cabbages for Keahi.

One by one, Halo passed out some knives from her crafting kit. They weren't the sharpest, but they'd get the job done without potentially injuring anyone. "For the beets and the cabbages, we're going to cut them into chunks about this big, but they don't have to be exact. For the onions we're just going to use the peels." Halo drew a square that was about an inch and a half on each side in the soft dirt near the fire pit. "For the onions, we're just going to use the skins. We're not going to put anything straight into the pots that go on the fire yet, though. We need to know exactly how much of each we have, so we can get the ratio right when we add the water." The healer peered to each of her helpers in turn, looking for understanding. "Does anyone have questions?"

As they set about their chopping and peeling, Halo moved to help with the onions. She grabbed one of the pails from around the fire pit to collect them so they wouldn't blow away with a wayward breeze, setting it between herself and Andromeda.

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