
Are you with me?




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-10-2023, 12:46 AM

Oblivious to Andy’s own moods, Kyanite took a few steps forward, and looked Andy in the eyes. There were plenty of wolves that found Kite’s staring unnerving, but her siblings seemed to be accustomed enough to it not to pull away. “Alright.” She said, taking a breath as if she was about to say something, and then letting it out again.

Maybe she should have practised this first, but she didn’t actually know what to say. Should she plunge straight in, or start from the top? She fought the urge to fidget, and lifted her muzzle a little instead. Her family was likely well-accustomed to the danger signs of stubbornness that came over Kite. “So. I made a friend, but he’s a pack wolf. Sort of. He’s not a pack wolf right now, but he is a pack wolf, just one on an adventure. A temporary adventure. Before he goes back to being a pack wolf.” Rambling. She was rambling. She shut her trap.

She paused, and tried to find another thread to start this. “His pack is all the way down in Auster, and I want to go there. But you know what dads like. He’s… stubborn.” Which she definitely couldn’t relate to. At all. “So I thought if I asked him if I could go and visit Briar in the Hallows, I could… have a little more freedom… I guess.” Another pause. “I want to go to the Hallows, so I can see my friend's pack, but I don’t know how to ask dad. Can you help me?” Her voice started to sound a little desperate. She was making such a mess of this. The words just started coming out all wrong!
