
Tingling Paws

Aria I


10-22-2013, 06:30 PM

She had spoken to Siarvon the other day, and had come to the north to catch something and rest for when she went back to find Haku. Aria had to be careful with her traveling, make sure she was still fit, not getting rusty. That's why she feasted on her kill where she took it down, then cleaned herself after, not wanting to leave a stronger scent behind that could lead somebody to her easily. She didn't stay in a spot long either, spending a few nights then leaving and finding a new place to stay.

After doing the usual she would make her way to the den she had made in the mountain, most called it the caves of the past because there were strange images on the walls, said to be there for years from humans. A nice little place, any scents fresh were those of small rodents and creatures trying to escape the north's temperatures.

With the sun behind her, lowering in the sky she would approach her den but something was off. She would come to a stop, sniffing the air to catch a familiar scent. Aria gulped, ears folding back on her head as she realized who it belonged to. Haku. She felt so guilty, she had left him, without even saying goodbye or mentioning where she was going. She was also curious, why was he here, away from Ludicael?

With a deep breath she would move forward, keeping her head level with her shoulder. Green eyes would stare straight ahead, the distance closing between her and the entrance, the form of a body on the ground coming into view. It was definitely him. "Haku..." Her voice was soft, sweet, almost dream like as she stopped right behind him, lowering her head and gently brushing her cheek against his.
