
Destruction Babies!



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
04-10-2023, 02:25 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2023, 06:19 AM by wicked. Edited 7 times in total.)
Officially this is done, unofficially I'll probably continue to tweak it until apps close lmao

Name: Rye or Teal (like the duck)
Sex: female
Size/Build: extra small (22") & medium
Design: Here! -- I made this one, if you'd like any changes made lemme know
Appearance: Pour one out for every little girl that's ever been told she looks like her dad. Rye looks an awful lot like her father, and his father before him. She's built like a miniature version, with only vaguely lighter proportions. Despite being rather lacking in stature, Rye still carries herself with a rather commanding presence. Though good natured, it's clear that if she wanted to pack a punch or put up a fight, there would be little to stop her. Though the girl is tiny, she's sturdy.

Her base coat is shades of brown, the color going from soft to more intense as it works down her back. Rye has a similar blaze and chest marking to her father, but the tips of her ears are white. Pale socks with stripes upon them creep up all four of her legs. Her coat texture is one of protective weather resilience, but her undercoat is comfortable and plush.

Personality: Though it will not immediately be apparent, there is something deeply, intensely restless inside Rye. Something feels like it will never be satisfied. A bone deep desire for something that she cannot put words to. A soul deep desire. Until she has a goal, a cause, something to fight for, that hunger will threaten to consume her. Rye feels only in measures of devotion and beyond. The first time she finds that cause, that something, she will know at once why she's here. Why she lives and breathes. Without some sort of external purpose, she can be a bit lost.

Rye is wary of strangers. She's not always sure how to think or act, and can come across dorky. In time, she'll grow into this bit of herself. Rye will let the dorkiness become part of her charm, along with the roguish, lopsided smile that she so frequently sports. What she won't admit? The charm is a carefully practiced act. She's learning to project confidence. She's learning to do her best to mask the insecurity that lives in her head, in her chest. It will take time and practice for Rye to develop the confidence she wants to portray.

Somewhere deep in the pit of her chest, she longs for the romanticized version of everyday life. She wants to fall in love with the little things, over and over, again and again. Falling in love with life again and again, day in and day out... it's a nice daydream. Rye likes those daydreams the best of all.
Alignment: neutral good
Skills: fighting & hunting
Plans: Rye is going to be a hardy, head strong but well meaning young pup. Hoping to have her little gay heart broken as a yearling and then decide that instead of talking about her feelings, she'd rather become a knight. Also with both parents being older, losing them is going to absolutely break her, and she's just going to be going down the "I do not need feelings, I need a bigger sword" path in life. She needs a cause to devote herself to.