
Hunting 101


10-22-2013, 06:55 PM

It was obvious the woman was happy, as it to be able to teach her how to hunt or just that she had some company while things were getting crazy with Glaciem? Whatever it was Seraphine didn't mind, she seemed nice, and she was a new person she could possibly befriend. Her single good ear would perk up as she spoke up, explaining how she was hoping to do this individually instead of throwing them into a hunt without knowing what the girl could handle. She gave a nod of her head, that was very understandable.

Next, Ashtoreth would ask Seraphine how well she was at tracking. She would tilt her head to the side the slightest, thinking over how she was with such a thing. The girl didn't really pay much attention to the things she did, just did them. When she had messed with a few people it was because she had seen them before she scented them, and there was only one time she didn't, that was when she found Sephiroth's scent leaving the pack lands.

Clearing her throat she would look back to the woman. "I'm not too sure really, I never really payed attention to how well I tracked something." She looked to the right for a brief moment, then back to the woman. "I can track scents okay, as long as they aren't too jumbled with other things, and as for tracking signs of something... big animals I can do since they disturb things around them, but little ones give me trouble." Honest, understanding what she can and can't do, and not bragging.


Awesome image by Canttina <3