
You Don't See That at SeaWorld


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Samhain 2022
04-10-2023, 01:22 PM

Aresenn did his best to bow up, hackles raised and teeth curled to try and answer with his own threat. However, he wasn’t able to make a steady foundation like he normally would as his claws raked against the ice in a futile attempt to gain traction.

It seemed that Sephiran was trying to distract the seal, which meant that he was once again going to be tasked with the first part of the disabling. Great. The Praetor boy slowly began to stalk around the seal- snapping at the air between them when it glanced in his direction. However, it was clear that the other yearling was putting forth a more aggressive display. So that was the one it chose to pursue. As it passed him by, lunging after Seph, was when he went to make his move. Scrambling to close the distance, he tried to take a shot at its blubbery shoulder. An attack that was far more difficult to land than he had anticipated. It was surprisingly a challenge to open his mouth wide enough to sink in his teeth- as the seal lacked very little loose skin to take hold of. However, he made enough of an impact for the amphibious predator to feel the attempt and get pissed off. Aresenn pushed off the lumbering mammal- using the momentum to his advantage as he scrambled back in a momentary retreat just as the thing turned on him. Its splayed jaws only inches away from making contact.