
I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide



10-22-2013, 07:02 PM

"Oh but I don't think you understand." Resnera wasn't at all worried about being in trouble with the king or queen. She was young and adorable and she had done nothing wrong. If they took offense to her being here she would simply apologize and leave. No, the problem came from the king and queen telling Chrysanthe who would tell her father. Now that was a problem. "No one knows I left to begin with."

She sat there and played with the leaves by her feet, drawing pictures in the dirt. Her eyes would be down cast. The young girl really did feel guilty about leaving the pack so much, but it was so boring and she just wanted to see the world. No one could fault her in that....could they? Probably. She shook her head. So many rules. Maybe one day she would break them all. A slight grin formed on her face at that.

The refugee program was new to her, but then again she had missed the meeting. Her eyes rolled as she thought. that was so stupid of her. Really, she should have known who that call was from and what it was about. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Oh well, at least Chrysanthe is a forgiving wolf. Looking up at the other wolf, who's name she still did not know, she knew she had to find a way to make him not tell his alphas that she was here. "Please, just don't tell them." She wasn't one for begging and so internally this turned her stomach. Of course, she had no problem with asking for help, but this was just disgusting. Unfortunately, she really didn't have another choice unless she wanted to fight him, and with no experience she'd most definitely lose. "I'll leave, I promise. Just don't tell them." Crystal blue eyes pleaded her case.
