
You Don't See That at SeaWorld


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
04-10-2023, 02:53 PM

Now that he had the seal’s full attention, he made more of an effort to put on a display for it. Growling and snapping with his hackles raised and tail arched over his back. It clearly had the advantage of traversing the ice as it glided on its belly, and he was left scrambling on his nails. However, he could see the moment when Sephiran made contact by the twist of pain in its face.

The seal immediately turned on its other assailant at that moment, leaving its opposite side vulnerable and open for attack. Aresenn made his best attempt at a dash forward- sinking his teeth into the side of its blubbery neck. As it discarded Sephiran, it immediately turned back to take a shot at him. There would be no dancing out of the way from this one, but in an effort to keep himself out of reach, he hooked an arm over its back as he tried to pull himself as close to the creature as he could. The seal arched its body to the side at the same time he shoved off the ice with his hind leg for borrowed momentum. He was able to haul himself most of the way up on the seal’s back, but he still felt the connection of teeth on one of his hind legs despite his efforts to control its head through his hold on its neck. He winced in pain, but shook his own head to tear at flesh while fighting to maintain the hold he had managed- all the while trying to land a kick to the creature's face in an effort to free himself before being thrown aside as Sephiran had- or worse taken to the ocean to drown.