
Rock Slide



5 Years
Extra large
10-24-2013, 11:00 PM

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He had siblings. Or at least he had a true blood sister. Sibelle. It was strange to think that his mother had had another litter after he'd left to come join Isardis. But it was rather interesting to know that there was another wolf that shared his exact same blood, who shared the same mother as him, not only the bastard blood from Isardis. At least now, if he could manage to persuade Sibelle to stay with him, he would have his actual family with him. But it wouldn't happen over night he knew that. He just hoped that his younger sister didn't meet their sire or else he would loose her before he'd even gotten her.

Sib had mentioned something about a brother, but the cobalt King wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that. Did he have another younger sibling like her? The question would bounce around in his mind as he made his rounds across the borders, so consumed in his thoughts that he almost missed the new scent that was lingering at his borders, a call ringing out moments after he'd caught the scent. Male. Rogue. And family. Could this be the brother Sib had mentioned? Not wanting to keep his possible sibling waiting, the Re would put on a burst of speed, ebony limbs eating up the dirt beneath him as he rushed to the source of the call. A similar russet figure stood at his borders, looking much like Sibelle, though there was clearly a male underneath the russet locks. Taurig would slow down to a light trot before coming an easy walk, icy gaze roaming over the boy, nasals twitching. He smelled like family. Looked like family. So he had to be family. Right?

Waiting for someone? He hoped the boy would say he'd been waiting for him. It would be nice to have a younger brother.

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