


10-26-2013, 10:20 AM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The question about his children caught him somewhat off guard. He hadn't even realized that he had mentioned them, but it was something of habit that he did often without realizing. He hesitated to respond, uncertain of what his answer should be. He wanted to be honest with this woman, but he also didn't want to overwhelm her with information. Some would say he had four children, some would say two. In his own mind, he still had four, whether they all considered him a father or not, and regardless of what Morphine declared to be true.

Seraphim smiled lightly and nodded. Yes... I have four, one adopted. If she inquired further, he would be truthful, but for now this was enough. He wondered for a moment if she had children, but assumed from her question that she did not. He would avoid asking, knowing that for some it could be a difficult topic, but he couldn't help considering that she would be a wonderful mother to any children she had in her lifetime.

Her response to his question about her pack seemed too quick, too planned. He knew that there must be more to it than her simple response, but he did not pry. Instead he simply nodded and changed the topic.

I hope this is not to bold, but I enjoy your company very much. I hope that we can meet again soon?

Tagged: Eris