
Quite Contrary

Meadow II


Intermediate Intellectual (46)

Advanced Healer (90)

2 Years

04-11-2023, 03:12 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2023, 03:12 AM by Meadow II. Edited 1 time in total.)

It seemed her surprise had gone unnoticed, and that's something she can take solace in. No need to make things more awkward for herself than necessary, though that seemed to be the case. That seemed to typically be the case, at least. Meadow hadn't spent much time with her cousins. It wasn't that she didn't want to, instead that she found herself putting up unnecessary barriers between them. That, and she wasn't always the best playmate. Between that and her lack of interest in sparring, and desire to be away from too much noise... well, there was a reason that she didn't prefer the company of the other children. All of this and yet, she's glad for Talyssa's company.

Talyssa's question came as she gently poured water over some parched lettuce. It was one of the latest fall crops, at least according to the book on agriculture she'd been reading. Lettuce, kale, and the root vegetables. Oh shoot, they'd need to harvest those pretty soon, as they were in the gardens and not in the greenhouse itself. The pup nodded to her cousin, thinking about how she too, enjoyed the greenhouse itself. Satisfied with the state of the lettuce, Meadow moved carefully around to more of the plants, watering the ones that looked wilted or sad.

She speaks about wanting to know more about the plants, and Meadow nodded along as she did. There was a book in the store room, and many more up in the library. The taller girl spoke once more, talking about her favorite plants. Meadow drew to her side, watching as she pulled away some of the wilted plant. Softly touching the soil in the planter, Meadow frowned for just a moment. Though the planter looked like it had just come in, it was bone dry to the touch. Here, too, Meadow carefully tipped the watering can. Not too much, wouldn't want to drown the poor thing.

Her gaze to Talyssa was questioning. Which plants were her favorites? Her head cocked softly to the side, curious. Taking an interest. Being social. Was she doing this right?
