
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight


Meadow II


Intermediate Intellectual (46)

Advanced Healer (90)

2 Years

04-11-2023, 04:13 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2023, 04:15 AM by Meadow II. Edited 1 time in total.)

Sleep was evading her tonight.  It wasn't wholly unusual for Meadow to find herself sleepless, or only able to nap for a few hours at a time.  Usually she'd just climb down from bed and curl up next to the low-glowing fireplace in their room and read for a while.  Actually, that's where the girl had started tonight.  The latest book that she'd borrowed from the library was one about the stars, and the stories that lived among the constellations.  With the limited view from their bedroom window, Meadow couldn't see nearly enough of the stars she was reading about.  It was hard to see the patterns without seeing the entire sky laid out above her.  

Bundling herself in her favorite blanket (a patchwork of rabbit skins, haphazardly held together in the perfect shape to wrap tightly around her shoulders) and grabbing the borrowed book, the girl slipped out into the crisp autumn night.  The castle was long asleep, a certain quiet filling the world around her.  The kind of quiet you couldn't get during the day.  It's now that she can walk the halls without the worry of open spaces around her.  Comforted by the sound of her own padding feet against the smooth stone beneath her.  Safe and at peace, as she slipped out onto one of the high outdoor walkways.  

From here, the girl finds a comfortable seat.  She leafs carefully through the pages of the book before finding the star chart.  From here, she sets about choosing a star to orient herself.  From here, Meadow can feel the entire sky unlocking for her.  There were so many stories for it to tell, and she's happy to learn how to listen.  


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1. I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight Amron's Castle 04:13 AM, 04-11-2023 06:51 AM, 11-07-2023