
what is this, an art history lesson?


Meadow II


Intermediate Intellectual (46)

Advanced Healer (90)

2 Years

04-11-2023, 04:28 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2023, 04:29 AM by Meadow II. Edited 2 times in total.)

Meadow and her books. It was almost concerning at this point, how much time she spent reading. Not just reading, but the girl had really taken a shine to spending time taking care of the library. She would spend hours at a time caring for the space. Dusting the corners, sweeping the floors, trying to devise new ways to keep the moths away from the precious volumes. It seemed like they were trying to eat the collection, and Meadow was not too happy with them. With all the time spent within the library itself, Meadow was developing a familiarity with each volume. Someday she'd read all the books in the library, she reckoned. Once she read them all? Well, she'd have to figure out how to trade for more. That, or maybe she'd even write her own. Could she know enough about something to author her own books? She could, and she would. Some day.

But the book that caught her attention today was a little different than her usual interest. Typically, she passed over the volumes about arms and armor, about battles and wars. The violence was off-putting for the child who read out of a desire for safety and comfort. This particular book, while about weapons and shields, was about so much more. More than that, more than all of that. It was about the engravings, the artistry. The history of it all, and the techniques. Were the weapons within the Hallows armory decorated this beautifully? Meadow was struck with the desire to find out, to see for herself.

Dad was busy. Mom was busy. Meadow couldn't go into the armory by herself. Still, she picked up her book and made her way down to see if any of the warriors were hanging around in the area. There had to be someone who could show her the weapons... right? She stuck her head through the open doorway of the room, looking to see if anyone was inside.