
Why are there so many of them!?

Celcyki babies



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
04-11-2023, 01:49 PM

Delphi struggled the entire time her mother carried her across the field. Annoyed and confused as to why they were being carried, she would have much rather her dad do it. At least his mouth would've been big enough to hold her. Huffing, squirming, and whining the whole way until she was plopped into the grass, Delphi was quick to roll over and hop up onto her paws. Her eyes widened as she looked around. She could see her brother and her sister and now suddenly three more pups? Who were these guys?! They kinda looked more like Taters than her or Aji but they smelled like Dad and not Mum. Squinting her eyes, she watched as "Not Mum" plopped down beside Mum and began talking to her. Ugh, boring adults.

Instead, she turned her attention to... there was a lot to pay attention to. How the dirt felt between her toes. How tall this grass was. She could barely see over it! How this other girl went barreling straight for Taters. There were these other two who were jumping and rolling around in what smelled like muddy water. "Ajiiii, lets go see!" She squeaked to her much larger sister, quickly reaching out to nip at her shoulder with her budding fangs before hopping much like a bunny toward Maki and Tama.

"What you guys doing?!" Delphi asked excitedly as she tumbled straight for the puddle Maki was jumping around in. Before she could make it, the boy was getting up to his paws and hopping nearly on top of her. A yip let loose as she fell back with a laugh. "Yo!" She flashed her fangs before righting herself and rushing over to the puddle to turn around and splash him back in retaliation.