
Why are there so many of them!?

Celcyki babies



1 Year
04-11-2023, 03:25 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2023, 03:25 PM by Aji. Edited 1 time in total.)

She knew how to walk, for crying out loud.

For such a young child, she had the temper of a worn grown-up, her scowl making it abundantly clear that swinging from her father’s jaws was the last thing she wished to do. Hotate’s squirming and dramatic snapping as they were dropped on the earth only further annoyed her. Gods, why were there so many of them? Was it normal for this many babies to exist at one time? She didn’t believe so. Aji rolled her eyes as her father blabbered some reminiscing stuff, standing up on her gangly limbs. Her awkwardly large paws were an indicator of her tall stature as an adult, but right now they were a damn hinderence. "Yeah, yeah, whatever,” She huffed under her breath, padding away calmly compared to the bouncing and skipping her other siblings were doing. Her gaze scanned the world around them in a surface-level disinterest, simply looking for the one sister she’d grown to tolerate prior to leaving their birth den. Delphi. Tiny, but easily one of the ones she felt closest too.

As her sister finally came into view, bumbling around her like a bee, Aji glanced over to see what Delphy wanted to explore. Oh, playing in a..puddle. Wow. How thrilling. Aji was definitely the wet blanket of the bunch. The party pooper. The buzzkill. And abnormally bitter for her young age. But fine, fine. She’d explore that puddle or whataver. If it made her most tolerable sister happy. "Sure, fine. Let’s see this puddle,” She said, glancing down at her much shorter littermate. She was painfully average in stature herself - not towering over others like the rest, and not so close to the earth as Delphi - but somewhere in between. Even her coat separated her from the others with his warm coffee and umbre tones, flecked with fiery orange splotches. She didn’t look like..any of her parents and not-mom. She stood out, and for some reason it tugged at her chest a little. Did she even belong?

She followed after Delphi as they met up with Unagi and Maki, trying to walk as calmly as her parents. Which was hard, because her stuoid paws were hard to balance on her thin twigs of legs, and she stunbled every so often as she half-trotted over to the others. Just barely on the outskirts of that..nasty looking puddle. As her little sister splashed with glee, she halfheartedly dipped a paw into the puddle, swoshing it around as the tall grass tickled her ears and the sunshine warmed her spine. She clearly lived in her own world, not afraid to get dirty but not thrilled about the prospect of hopping around, either. She glanced down at a small array of yellow and white wildflowers, sniffing them with interest. Hm. Sweet.