
Sneaking Out



10-22-2013, 08:56 PM

Perhaps a month ago she had thought this whole siege business would be much more glamorous and exciting than it actually was. Granted, it was exciting to see Valhalla clash with the Glaciem forces, but it was also something she hadn't imagined it would be - terrifying. With haste she would slither as far from the encroaching Glaciem army, hoping to go unseen for fear of falling under their clutches. She knew vaguely what they were about, and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. A voice slipped into the confines of the den she'd ducked into, and with reluctance the child would retreat from where she felt safe and into the open, bringing her form close to Ashtoreth at a rapid pace. ?I'm with ya,? she chided in a somewhat hushed voice. They ought to be quiet, she knew that much. Worry creased her brow for her mother, father, and sister, but she knew that her family would be fine.. they had to be. Guinevere would most likely join the retreating party, and the rest of them were adults and would probably stay behind. Not for the first time in her life, Solaine found it easy to think of herself first in a situation such as this. Bi-colored eyes swept to the huntress, wondering just how quickly they'd be getting out of the warfront.
