
shiny new toy

Rank Challenge - warrior


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Fighter (125)

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
04-12-2023, 02:47 AM

He wasn't left on his own for long, and soon his brother joined him with an affectionate bump of the shoulder and a quiet word of encouragement. Then.. his father. For some reason, he hadn't expected his sire to actually show. Lately Sirius had been distant, standoffish. Subconsciously he knew why, but wouldn't admit it to himself. Not now or ever. So when the Warlord requested Hazel, the Lieutenant, fill his role and answer the challenge, the golden prince bowed his head respectfully to the smaller fae. She was clad in lightweight armour, her back covered with a cape of quills and her chest with hardened leather. He only hoped it wouldn't give her too much of an advantage against him.

Hazel looked him in the eyes, but there was no ill intent there. He matched her subtle smile with a crinkling in the corners of his mercury eyes. "Sure thing, Lieutenant." he drawled with a hint of mirth. He lowered his centre of gravity over bent joints, and dropped his head between his shoulders to protect his throat. Ears flattened against his skull, and silvery eyes narrowed to protect his vision. Pebble took flight, keeping an eye on the impending battle to offer warnings if needed. Peabody the pangolin shuffled back, leaving the yearling prince to his work. Toes digging into the soft turf, he pushed off hard with his hind legs. Kicking clods of mud and grass out behind him, Stratum sought to use his heavy skull as a battering ram. Swinging it low and to the right, the prince aimed to slam the flat area on top of his head into Hazel's left shoulder like a hammer. If he could get the right momentum, he could knock her off kilter- he wasn't aiming to impale her with his horns, just maybe prod her a bit.

The boy kept his momentum, and sought to lift his left foreleg and hook it around Hazel's own left forelimb. If she was already off balance, maybe she would topple if his grip succeeded. It was a long shot, and she was far more skilled than he, but it was worth a shot! He would rather use his weight to his advantage, than try and shred her with his teeth- this was a mostly friendly battle, right?

Stratum vs Hazel for DOMINANCE (rank promotion)

Round 1/2

Age: 1+ year

Size: Extra large

Build: Heavy

Companion 1: Ground Pangolin - Battle

Companion 2: Big Brown Bat, Male - Flying

Mutation 1: Brocket deer antlers - Offensive

Mutation 2: Saber Fangs - Offensive

Skills: Beginner Healer & Advanced Fighter