
Sneaking Out


10-22-2013, 09:26 PM

The angry sounds of battle could not be blocked out and Soleil was certain no matter how far away she got that she would smell blood. Ashtoreth had called the nonfighting wolves to leave the pack lands and head for Seracia. It was to be a sanctuary.

The petite, pale woman rushed for Ash with her blue eyes wide. Instantly she spotted one of her youngest there. Gael and Collision had already headed off to fight and Azalea... Azalea had been taken by the enemy already. A hard lump sat in her throat. "Ashtoreth!" Soleil didn't specifically need her attention, more notifying her that she was there.

Soleil swept up to the woman, momentarily ignoring her daughter. "I will not be going with you, I must stay here to help the wounded." She turned away to caress her child. "I came to see my girls off. Solaine, don't be afraid." She could see it in her eyes, the fear. Maybe others wouldn't notice but Soleil had brought those eyes into this world and seen them most every day since, she knew their ever emotion.

Vaguely Soleil felt like doing something crazy, like actually fighting. Valhalla had enough to worry about though, without her thrusting herself in a battle she could not win. She just wasn't a fighter.

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