
The spaces between us




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
04-14-2023, 01:06 AM

She couldn't help but smile. He'd told Hanako... she'd told Halo. In some way, they'd both told their moms, and that seemed right. Whatever would come with the leadership of the Armada, well, that would come in time. That would come in time, after he was home. "I told Halo... she looked at me and she said she'd figured it out ages ago." Hazel giggled as they walked, unable to hold down the smile that shone through in her gaze. Halo probably knew before they did, really.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but she's pretty sure that there's no way she can be more fond of the boy by her side. This would be the longest in their short lives that they'd ever been apart. Even when she was barely conscious, fighting off injury and infection, he'd been there. In and out, as much as he could be, he'd been there. This was different, and Hazel didn't want to admit she was scared. So much of her identity was tied to his, what was she going to do without her best friend? She can't help but stick to his side as they go, onward toward Ashen.

Was there a time that she hadn't loved him in one way or another? Not that Hazel could think of. "Kinda always, huh?" Really, she knew she had. He nudges her cheek, and she stands on her toes to kiss him softly.

"A picnic sounds good, Halo packed us some stuff." Hazel shouldered the smaller pack that the healer had shipped them off with. "I like it out here, it's nice. Quiet." The remark is soft, and Hazel leads the way to a grassy knoll. It's just high enough to see out on all sides, to take in just how nice the Valley is. "Here okay?" Though she barely waits before setting her pack down with soft thud.

"Hazel" & "Basilisk"