



10-22-2013, 11:07 PM

The voices of many carried towards him upon the winds. War was here, and Caerul would answer. To his families dismay of course, but other then them he had nothing to lose. Caerul would fight for his home, to prevent Glaciem and Amenti from taking their home. The white demon had gone far enough in attempting to claim one of their own, and then taking their alphas mate and yet they had still returned for Liberty. His patience with the wolves had run thin, and now it was time to show them that they had messed with the wrong pack. White paws carried him to the field of battle, green eyes alert with his other senses to make sure that nothing would try and ambush him on his way, though he was sure that they had not crossed any deeper into their territory. He would see bodies flickering between the trees as others made their way to the fray. Others were running back towards the main camp, on their way to seek refuge with Ash to go to Seracia. At last his large form stopped on the borders of his home, and as he crossed the barrier he saw not far from him that he emerged near a slain body, bloodied and broken. Caerul moved forward towards the body of a fallen comrade, and he nosed the fallen form of Lovatt. He whispered a condolence to the fallen warrior, knowing that he had gone out with a fight. Though he was sure the fight was unfair if he had been ambushed by Glaciems. Filthy insolent scum! Stooping to such low standards! Have they no honor!? His teeth bared in an angry snarl, ears flattened as his eyes filled with a hatred for the vile pack. He glanced about to see who he could recognize in the flurry of bodies. He recognized his pack mates, and he wondered if Alsander or his father would be out here. Cael he knew would not fight unless absolutely necessary, and he sure hoped his dear sister was not in the fray. Gods only knew what he would do if she got injured or killed.

The warrior cast about for an opponent, and not far from his position he saw a small black figure moving among the bodies. Swiftly he moved forward towards her, though his demeanor had become less angry at the sight of her. Caerul didn't like to fight those smaller then him, and it seemed that with all the larger wolves out here, she could get severely injured or worse...He stopped before her, blocking her path from moving forward. Narrowed green eyes fell on her, ears back enough to protect in case she decided to attack, though he assumed that if she did his ears would be out of reach for her small size. His head lowered over his throat, tail slightly tucked under his abdomen. He looked at the young black form, an eery calm about him...strange for one in the middle of a war. "You should not be out here little one, you might get severely injured...or worse. Return home and your life will be spared today." He threatened lightly, and hoped that for her sake she would heed his words. Though he figured that she wouldn't listen, sure that she was afraid of what her amenti queen would do to her if she ran. If she refused and attacked him, then Caerul would have no choice but to knock her out so that she wouldn't get hurt or killed by someone else. Sometimes he thought that his heart was too good...and in this case, he was glad that it was.

Caerul Vs. Raven for Knock-out/Seige

Round 1/∞

Defenses: teeth bared, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, head lowered over his throat

Attacks: None

Injuries: None
