
you're gonna face the world one day




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
04-14-2023, 09:41 AM

It would take little prompting from Vidarr to go sit beside him. This moment reminds her of the time when they first met. Stretched out across that rock watching the sunset as they spoke of each other's beginnings, she can feel the emotions well up in her. Leaning against him and relaxing into his bulk, Celeste lets out a sigh. As exhausted as she felt, she knew they had to have this conversation at some point. Leaving her eyes closed so that she could focus on his words, she couldn't help but smile as he began. An mhmm leaves her as she stifles a laugh. Of course, she saw him as a father figure just like he saw her as a daughter. If she ever needed help, she knew she could rely on him. For Vidarr to be in her life was a true blessing.

This time, as he continues, she does let out a small laugh. Ah yes, they were young and bold and kind of dumb. As all young wolves were. There was no getting around that truth. But she always knew that he was there to watch over her in case anything bad happened. She appreciated that he watched from afar but still was her friend too. Finally, he was quiet for a long time and so was she. Her breaths lengthened as she relaxed against him and enjoyed the moment. Tears welled in her eyes already as she let the future of their lives sink in. She would miss him more than she could ever admit, but she knew he knew that.

When the words left him, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. "I would be so honored," Celeste responded in a heartbeat. In truth, her own familial last name meant nothing to her anymore, and now that she had pups, she was more than willing to take on Kuroki's last name. But to be a part of the Trygg family? Oh, no one would mess with her then! "Celeste Trygg. It sounds nice. Do you think Oki would be upset? Maybe it should be Celeste Hattori-Trygg. That doesn't sound too bad, does it?" She smiles as she tilts her chin up to look at him through bleary eyes.