
War has come knocking at our door



10-23-2013, 01:07 AM

The war and what it was doing to Tortuga kept Dragomir from haunting Maija's thoughts. She was so wrapped up in beginning to worry about the pack -- hard to believe, even to herself -- and what would become of the place. Tortuga had begun to come her home, even before Taurig had come to claim it. A part of her would always remain there, even if she was driven away from the land. That was also a possibility, and so with the slightest twinge of regret, Maija left her den and answered the howl.
The call was from Maia, a young female who was going by Taurig's orders to get the remaining pack members to safety. Each step felt like a heavy weight, but she carried on and finally made it to the small group already building up. Icy gaze looked around, not displaying any signs of doubt and stress with the Re currently absent. She couldn't help but wonder how Taurig was doing...if he was going to come back at all... Her heart began to slightly hammer from the thought and she shook her head. No, she musn't think like that.
Maija played off like she had something in her head fur, and slowly moved her gaze out to the outline of trees that were at the borders. Somewhere, out there, was a world fighting...and she didn't like it. A low snarl escaped her lips as they curled back, thoughts of what bloodshed looked like bubbling up into her mind. "War is a horrible thing," was all she said, Romanian accent curling around her words. It was the first time she had spoken to anyone aside from Vi and Taurig, but at that moment, she didn't mind being honest about her opinion.

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