
Destruction Babies!


04-17-2023, 05:02 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2023, 06:49 PM by Dikui. Edited 8 times in total.)
Name: Canary Destruction
Sex: male
Size/Build: 42" (I also have a dire pass if that's cool with you), heavy
Design: [Image: seven.png]
Canary will grow to rival or even surpass the size of his father. As an adult warrior, he'll be built like an absolute tank, thick with muscle. He's not meant to be agile; he doesn't need to be -- he'd only need to run if he didn't have something valuable to protect. He would appear intimidating if nearly everyone he's ever met hasn't seen him laugh so hard he's half-collapsing on the floor or make everyone else laugh at how mind-numbingly dumb his jokes -- dad puns, mostly -- are.

In coloring, Canary is made solely of dusty gold and flame. His base coat is tan, lightest along his broad shoulders, and fades into a bolder, darker tiger orange over his haunches, face and ears, and lower legs. And Canary does nothing but follow a theme, so the tiger pattern continues in the form of stripes carved into those orange sections of his pelt. Striking But the hottest fires burn blue and violet, and those colors glow in his large, friendly eyes, which are set slightly high and far apart on his face. His face leans masculine, with wide, strong features and a full muzzle, and his ears tend small and apart.

kind - loyal - practical - social
Canary can be best described as a himbo. Big, kind of dumb, and sweeter than pie. There just isn't a mean bone in his body; the boy always tries his very best to make others happy with his easy smile and confident manner. He lives up to his singing namesake well: it's common to see Canary flitting between social groups, effortlessly making strangers into his friends, and pulling along shyer friends and siblings (his chief delights and responsibilities) to introduce them to interesting new people that he thinks they might like. No one's allowed to be lonely if Canary's with them! He genuinely loves the company of other wolves, and this social sphere is where he feels happiest.

Canary isn't a dreamer. He's not a leader. He isn't introspective or sensitive, nor does he seem for a while to have many ambitions besides continuing as present. He loves his family and will follow wherever they want to go, but on his own initiative... It's very true that he wouldn't know what to do without the wolves he loves. For a long time, he will be utterly incapable of defining who he is without resorting to comparisons to his siblings and parents. He deeply wants to make his family proud, and, at least for the moment, he's sure he'll succeed.

Alignment: lawful good
Skills: fighting, healing
Plans: really just want him to be really close with his family and stuff, maybe further down the line he could have a bit of a negative character arc but we'll see :) I think of him as maybe having a high rank or even becoming a leader eventually if the need arises