
as far as i can see, i see nothing at all


04-17-2023, 07:03 PM

The lull of ocean sounds soon faded from her ears. What once had kept her peacefully unconscious was now allowing her to awaken. Overhead the screech of birds made her startle. Bright but watery blue eyes blinked slowly as they focused. Bleary and wrought with confusion, the girl lifts her head and glances around. Sand was beneath her. It was sand, right? She turns and puts her nose on the ground. No, it wasn't sand. Dirt? Maybe but it felt hard, almost rocky. More confusion filters across her expression as she lifts her head a bit farther and glances around again. Tall trees, so very tall from what she can see on the ground.

When she glanced up, she could see high walls that nearly reached the cloudy sky. Overcast with hardly little sun, it was dark. She couldn't tell what time of day it was. What really sparked her interest was the white stuff on the top of the high cliffs. What was that? Her brow furrows as she tries to stand. Nope, can't do that yet. A huff releases from her nostrils. Her tail twitches as she wiggles her toes. At least she can still move those. Not far off, a chipmunk runs from a tree to a boulder where it emits a loud call. Loud for the chipmunk at least. That was a chipmunk, right? She thinks it's a chipmunk but she's not sure.

Where was she? Her lips open as she flicks her ears forward. No sound comes out. Huh? Again, her mouth opens and nothing but a breath is released. That's strange. Wait. Who was she even? She looks back over her shoulder to her all too skinny form that looked familiar but nothing came to mind. Even with her unkempt fur full of seawater and grime, she knew she should know her own name or something. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't come up with anything. Her expression quickly twists into frustration, sadness, and bewilderment. Laying her head back down onto the unfamiliar ground, she cries.

What was she supposed to do now?