
as far as i can see, i see nothing at all


04-17-2023, 08:33 PM

She feels the stranger’s approach before anything else. A faint vibration beneath the ground as it slowly grows stronger as he draws nearer. At first, she doesn’t move. Until that chilly ocean breeze washes over and brings his masculine scent with him, she isn’t sure what it coming toward her. If she were to move and not play dead, it could mean real death. Yet, if she didn’t move and allowed herself to be mauled… Well, she was dead either way.

So she brings a paw over her eyes to wipe away the tears as the rustle of the stranger finally stops. His soft tones is pleasant to her waterlogged ears as she lifts her head to look at him. Oh, fuck! Her brain screams at her to run. There could be possibly no way this monstrous fanged beast asked if she was alright! Alarm bells continued to screech as she scrambled up onto shaky paws and stumbled backward. Her head shook back and forth as tremors racked her body.

No, no, no, please! Her blue eyes widened in pure terror as she freezes. Unable to move, ankle deep in frigid water, she stares at him. Stares at his companions, the wings. THE WINGS! He had WINGS?! If it was possible for her eyes to leap from their sockets, they would. How did a wolf have wings? Still unable to make herself move, speak, or much anything but stare at the poor guy, she felt herself wanting to cry again. Was he really a kind creature here to save her? Or was it a ploy to draw her into a cave? She couldn’t even remember how she got here and this was the first thing to approach?

She opens her lips, but again, nothing comes out. Her throat feels dry, raw, and scratched to high heave. Swallowing hard, she gives her head another shake. No, she most definitely was not alright.