
Space to Run



5 Years
10-23-2013, 02:43 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

It had felt like such a long time that Anais and her brother had been confined to their den, allowed only to peek out into the world beyond or sneak a few steps outside in order to greet a returning parent for a quick moment before they entered their home. Often she would find herself staring toward the opening into the clearing and forest beyond when she should have been resting, imagining what it must have been like to travel those woods freely, what sorts of things and beings she would find once allowed to do so. Nako could already and she was increasingly envious of him, wishing to be able to do the same already. She was no wiggly pup anymore. Surely she was old enough now!

To her surprise, her mother eventually conceded. It had come about suddenly, catching the girl by surprise, though as she stopped mid-play and glanced upward at the woman with an opened mouth and wide eyes, there was no denying the growing smile that began to spread across her childish face. This was it! They were finally being allowed to leave!

As expected, she hardly heard what it was her mother had to say, already on her paws and making for the den's entrance. She rushed right out of it, squinting only a little as she stepped boldly out into the daylight, and laughed openly as she came to a stop in the middle of the clearing that sat between the family den and the trees. There was so much space! And the air, it was so much more wild and clear than that of the den. Light golden eyes shifted quickly from tree to grass, from grass to rock, from rock to sky, taking it all in as she made a quick circle in place. It was overwhelming, but at the same time exhilarating. Another laugh fell from her smiling lips as she raced for the trees, beginning to weave in and out of those just at the treeline before stopping behind one and peeking toward the den that she had at last escaped from.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.