
as far as i can see, i see nothing at all


04-17-2023, 08:58 PM

Her hackles instinctually rose as he lowered his body. Feeling rather permanently frozen in place, she could feel her heart hammer into her chest. She watched his every move. Well, he was careful not to move fast or a lot at all. She noticed how careful he was being. How gentle he was toward her. Even as she so rudely stared at him in fear. Her body was beginning to shiver from both fear and the coldness of the shallow yet treacherous depths she stood in.

His voice spoke out to her. Once flattened ears now lifted to listen. Slightly crouched herself, she focused on breathing and not fainting. He was offering to help her. That seemed so odd. To be so kind to a stranger. But when her nose scented the air, she didn’t really scent anyone else - at least not in close proximity of this bay or valley they were in.

Her eyes flickered to the feline. More confusion riddled her. Why was this cat hanging with a wolf? That was almost more odd than him having wings. Right, the wings. He had even opened one to point at the cat. Did they work? She had so many questions. Wait, what was he saying to her? Water? That did actually sound nice. A long, cold drink. Her head slowly nods in acceptance of his offering. Looking down at her paws with those watery eyes she takes a few steps forward as she looks back up at him. He really was tall.

Lowering herself slightly as she retucks her tail and approaches him slowly, she nearly lays back down on the ground as she comes within a few feet of him. Both ears fold back slightly as she tilts her chin to look up at him. Opening her mouth, she tries to talk once more but still, nothing is coming. Lifting a paw, she touches her ankle to her throat. What was wrong with her? As she looks at him and replaces her paw on the ground, her expression says it all. Help.