
as far as i can see, i see nothing at all


04-17-2023, 09:41 PM

Emotion runs through every vein in her body as she stares at the stranger. Nothing exists to her except the large man who now sat before her. She noticed how slow and careful he was. Even as she would startle ever so slightly with his every move, she was beginning to understand that he wasn’t going to harm her. She almost darted when the cat took off but fought every instinct that told her to run. Run far away and never look back. From what she could tell, logically, this strange winged wolf would most likely be her best chance at surviving.

When he instructed that she open up, she did so. Though it was slow and cautious with the white of her eyes showing, she still did it. Every inch of her refrozen into place as she allowed him to take a look. He told her it looked red and irritated from sand and salt. Would that be from the water she was in? Was that why she couldn’t talk? She felt so helpless and hopeless. Another wave of emotions swelled inside her as a shiver run down her spine.

Before her brain or body could react or really process what was happening, the man was extending a paw holding a shell. Her eyes widen as she is well thoughtless at the sight of what she was seeing. Who the hell was this wolf?! Now wasn’t the time for questions as he was instructing her to rinse and spit the water. A quick nod of her head gave him permission to pour the shell full of water into her mouth. Once it splashed across her tongue, she did as she was told and attempted to politely spit out off to the side. When she looked back at him, her head tilted to the side and she blinks a few times. What now her face seemed to ask.