
Fight Training! [Armada Warriors]



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
04-18-2023, 06:57 AM
Aris' stronger daughter showed up at the last minute, having clearly imagined to evade Tansy as her brother had, and Gossamer was quick to give her a run down on the basics. Good - maybe hearing it from someone else would make it stick. Basics having been given, the pups were partnered up, and the adults would be having themselves a brawl. Though given an opportunity to begin the fight she'd normally have taken it in a heartbeat, today she was distracted watching out for her two young children. Despite her hard-driving style of parenting, she did care for the pups. Besides, she wanted to make sure they were giving it their all and not slacking.

It was luck that drew her attention back to her own responsibilities as Gossamer made her move, and Aris hopped back just in time to avoid the strike to her foreleg, though Gossamer's teeth did catch the top of her muzzle and leave a pair of matching shallow gashes over the bridge. Aris, keeping her claws partially sheathed to minimize the real damage to her sister, retaliated by slashing her right paw towards Gossamer, aiming to swat her across the nose with her cat-like claws. This time, she kept her eyes open for Malachai, the third opponent, to enter the fray. She didn't want to be taken by surprise.

Aris vs Gossamer vs Malachai for melee spar
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked Plate Mail
Companion 1: Black-footed cat, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Blue jay, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Oversized canines - Offensive
Mutation 2: Cat claws - Offensive
Mutation 3: Spine bristles - Defensive
Skills: Advanced Healer & Expert Fighter

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1. Fight Training! [Armada Warriors] Soul Sand Cove 03:20 PM, 12-31-2022 06:13 AM, 11-05-2023