
The Only Rules That Really Matter Are These:


10-23-2013, 04:55 AM

Jack grinned with satisfaction, his attempts hit their mark and the black male would fall in a daze with the wind knocked out of him. His teeth had also done some little damage, though Jack wasn't entirely aiming to handicap the brute. It would seem that he had succeeded in off-balancing the male twice, and Jack would internally laugh. What folly, who allowed someone to do that twice in a row? He came to land upon all fours once more, narrowed eyes watching his opponents movements. Jack watched as Sebastian circled, and Jack would mimic the motion going clock-wise. Hackles rose and tail tucked to protect his jewels. His ears were flattened to his head, head lowered slightly to protect his jugular and his scruff bunched to protect the back of his neck. It would seem that the male would circle behind him, and he saw the man pounce towards him, closing in on his legs. With a smirk, Jack would retaliate with a kick backwards, hoping to catch the man in the jaw and and attempt to deliver a good blow. He needed his legs for the work he did, so he would not allow someone to handicap him in such a way that he couldn't use them. He saw as the man tried to slam into him, and Jack would nearly dance out of the way leaving the brute to just barely pass his shoulder in nothing less then a push. Jack would whip his head around to his left to try and grab Sebastian's scruff in his teeth and would then try to shake. As he did this, he would make an attempt to rise on hind legs to then try and wrap his forelegs around Sebastian's neck to hold him as he shook his head. He would attempt to cause pain to the man, seeing now that Sebastian had other plans rather then a friendly spar like Jack had originally intended. He planted his hind claws in the ground for traction, toes splayed and hind legs spread for balance as he would try to push weight against Sebastian during his attempted grapple hug to try and keep him from moving too much, or at the very least to keep him from getting away.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/4

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flat, tail tucked, head lowered over throat, scruff bunched, hackles raised|| When he stands, then toes splayed and legs spread for balance, claws digging into dirt for traction/grip.

Attacks: Attempts to rear kick Sebastian in the jaws as he comes towards his hind legs, and afterwards would whip his head to the left to try and grab Sebastian's scruff in his teeth and would then try to shake. As he did this, he would make an attempt to rise on hind legs to then try and wrap his forelegs around Sebastian's neck to hold him as he shook his head. Then attempts to try and push his weight down on Sebastion to keep him from moving too much.

Injuries: Bruising to top of shoulders/upper back, and bruising to right? shoulder...(going off from my clock-wise circling...)

Out Of Character Notes: I am thoroughly confused by Sebs last post...A direction was not mentioned in where Seb was circling so I just kinda made a direction and guessed? Also Jacks air couldn't have been knocked from him during my first attack, not in the position that he was in. Seb would have been knocked up and pushed away with the momentum, not down on top of jack. (At least thats from the perspectives of many other opinions.) I played with what I could, i said, it wasn't all that clear...

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think