
as far as i can see, i see nothing at all


04-18-2023, 07:28 AM

She still wasn't one hundred percent certain of this dream-like wolf standing before her. Not that she could exactly remember where she was from anyway. All she knew is that she had never seen wings or such large fangs on a wolf before. Right? It felt right in her brain to be afraid of such a thing. Because only large predators like bears had big teeth and she couldn't recall ever seeing a bird that large before. Everything really felt fuzzy so she couldn't say for certain. Maybe where she was from everyone was like him and she was the oddball. No, that didn't feel right either. Why couldn't she remember anything? It was hard not to be frustrated at the lack of function in her head.

Before she could do anything about it, he was telling her she could sip from another seashell worth of water. Her eyes looked, hesitant, but as he mentioned it, her throat flares up with a dryness comparable to a desert. Slowly though she sips. At least she could be a good listener since he was going through all this effort to ensure she lived to see another day. She hoped silently that food would come soon as her stomach felt emptier than well empty. As she finished and he leaned back to introduce himself, she is still cautious but offered him the tiniest flicker of a smile. An almost missed curl of her lips as she too shuffles herself into a sitting position. Every joint and bone in her body felt achy and in pain, but hey, at least she was alive.

Once more her mouth opens to attempt speech. Again, nothing comes out. A rasp of something similar to a cough could be heard but that was it. Nothing understandable. Nothing even closer to puppy garble really. Her brows knit together as she raises a paw back up to her throat. What in the world was going on!? It was then she felt the small necklace nestled into her matted fur. She tilts her chin down and tugs on the chain. What was this? There is a pendant on it made of gemstone and a letter engraved on it. To her, it just appears to be a rock, but maybe he would know! Pulling it out farther from her chest until it dug into the skin on the back of her neck, she held it up to Mortis. If he could read, he would see a plain letter 'D' engraved on the gem. The one and the only clue to who she was.