
born for burning



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-18-2023, 09:55 AM

Tenshi felt young again. Sitting beside him beneath the willows as if they had no other obligations. It was tempting for her. To never go back south. To follow him now. Yet, she was an honorable woman and knew that she could not just desert Tojo-Kai like that. To do so would be burning a bridge she knew Vidarr could not burn. This was so different though. How he spoke to her. Even through his thickly accented tones, there was warmth and charm that made her cheeks flush and her tongue tie. She was reminiscing when Sedna's brood was just mere pups when Vidarr mentioned he longed for pups of his own.

Her eyes widen slightly before they crinkle at the edges as she smiles. Somewhere, she is imagining them in a mountain valley, fresh snow has fallen, and a large litter running around their paws. There is a fire crackling nearby, his sisters tending to it, as they come to join them. They're both happy and healthy. Oh, she could daydream forever. "I'm certain you will get that chance," she muses in an almost teasing manner. A hint in her gaze as she continues to stare at him. Not in a weird, awkward way, but the kind of way you look at someone you know is meant to be near you. She hadn't felt this connection in a long time.

A tingle of excitement begins to course through her as her smile brightens. "I can't wait to meet them," Tenshi adds as her tail thumps the ground a few times. Ah, to be a part of a family again. The one dream she couldn't deny ever wanting. Her heart feels close to bursting as she continues to gaze into his icy baby blues. Fate put them together for a reason, she was sure of it now as he told her that he would build a wonderful life. It was the sort of life she wished to have again. And maybe she would one day. Another moment for a daydream until he stated softly that he saw her by his side.

Tenshi's mouth drops open. Recollecting herself, she tries to find the words. Attempts to pull herself into something more capable. She can't so instead she does the first thing she can that comes to mind. Leaning forward, she pushes her muzzle up against his in a tender, fiery kiss. The fur along her spine raises as she holds him there for what felt like an eternity. With her whole world on fire, she melts into his shoulder to help brace herself. While she doesn't want to pull away, she does after she felt satisfied enough to say it was a good kiss. Breathless, she stares at him once more. "I will stay by your side until the day my soul reaches for the heavens," her voice is breathy and warm as she continues to lean into him, not wanting to separate for fear she'll never feel it again.