
Innocent until death




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

6 Years
Extra small

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze Participant
04-18-2023, 03:19 PM

He chided her lightly and Suspense looked at up at him, pausing her licking for a moment. "Unfortunately my line of sight isn't exactly expansive." It was a light jab at her own height, not that it actually mattered in this case, the water had been down and not further than she could see. She went back to trying to warm herself, not noticing the man was really moving until the majority of his weight hit the ground, she glanced up at him, not stopping until he lifted a foreleg and the woman stopped, tongue still poking from her lips. She hadn't been close with any wolves outside of her family, what few friends she'd had while younger had been lost in Abaven's fall, so there was some awkwardness there for her, though not for the reasons he might assume.

Still she was cold and it would take quite some time to dry and warm herself so might as well take the offer. She pulled herself into his embrace, feeling his warmth almost immediately, it wasn't hard for most to completely envelop her of course so that wasn't surprising. Tamerlane landed on a nearby branch, clicking his beak reproachfully but otherwise not expressing his opinions. Suspense resisted the urge to push herself into the man, snuggle right on in there, but she wasn't a pup and this man was still largely a stranger. "There's a pack near here, Avalon." She suddenly realized she had yet to introduce herself. "I'm Suspense by the way, sorry when I'm not drowning I'm usually more polite than that." She gave him a returning wink before closing her eyes for a moment and tipping her head back, now that the bigger man was blocking the chilly wind for her the warmth of the spring sun could be more easily felt on her face.

"Speech" Think

Art by RoyalOverdose
[Image: U9dVjWn.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. Innocent until death Whistling Willows 07:49 PM, 03-06-2023 03:32 AM, 02-13-2024