
Bear-ly a problem




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
04-18-2023, 10:17 PM

They probably should have kept up with the raiding party but Rivin couldn’t help but be tempted by the urge to do some poking around. She started to fall to the back of the party and, when her actions were noticed by one of her brothers, Aresenn, Rivin had grinned and gave him the offer to slip away with her. Whether or not he would though… that was the question. She let the party go on ahead, sure that she could catch up with them later, as they reached the heart of the Cedar falls. The earthy scent of pine needles, wood, and damp earth filled her nose. She could smell water, and lots of it. Unlike the ocean, however, this waster didn’t smell salty. Fresh water, and that was more than enough reason for Rivin to want to check out the source.

The world here was different. The colors of autumn touched the land and as Rivin came across the river she could see several salmon making their way up stream. Her ears perked forward with curiosity. Why were they going upstream? She twitched her nose again, wrinkling it back as the scent of another predator caught her attention. Great… what the hell was that smell from? It reminded her of Saga, well, sort of? It was different. Definitely not the white furred bear that had joined them for a bit. Creeping alongside the water, Rivin decided she was going to find that predator…

Maybe she could let off a little steam before the raid occurred.

"Talk," 'Think.'