
It ain't the speakers that bump hearts it's our hearts that make the beat

Pack Meeting



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
04-19-2023, 09:56 AM

It wasn't too much longer till the rest of their small pack gathered around and his mother got to get the meeting underway, first starting with introductions and information about everyone in the pack. He sat quietly as she went one by one, glancing around as each name was mentioned. He already know most of the names, but there were a few that he knew the faces but not the names or vice versa so he tried to make sure that he was paying attention and memorizing them all. When she reached him and he was given his father as his official mentor he gave his dad a pleased grin. He was already constantly poking his dad for more information about herbs and healing so it'd be an easy fit. He did nod in agreement though to the mention of joining in on other training for fighting as well, knowing that being able to defend himself was just as important as being able to patch up everyone after a fight.

It hadn't really slipped past him that his mother hadn't mentioned Haydee in her speech–or at least not yet–and he glanced over to his sister with a questioning look as their mom seemingly began to move on to other maters, giving her foreleg a little squeeze while feeling confident that there had to be a reason for it. Sure enough, their mother did eventually circle back to Haydee... to announce that she would be their heir! His eyes widened with surprise and he looked to Haydee again with a proud grin. He leaned his shoulder into hers with a little nudge of silent congratulations, his tail wagging behind him against the grass, before he refocused his attention on their mother as she went on about some relations with other packs.

It wasn't really a topic he was familiar with or incredibly interested in since it all felt a bit over his head, but he did his best to listen and at least make note of which packs were okay to interact with and which ones weren't. The idea of getting to train with some of the wolves with these packs that they were friendly with was exciting since he was always eager to learn more and see different perspectives. He nodded along as he listened, doing his very best to not let his attention wander. It was a lot to listen to, but he was mostly successful in taking it all in. Eventually they seemed to reach the end with the surprise of an offered gift of whatever would help or benefit them, whether that was a companion or armor or the like. His ears perked up with interest and a grateful smile touched his lips. He hummed with thought for a bit while he considered, but eventually, after a few others spoke to his mom about what they would like, he spoke up and said, "A companion would be really nice... one that's small and could maybe climb into trees and bushes to help me gather herbs! But that could also help me out in a fight sometimes if I need it too." He didn't know exactly what kind of animal would be good for that, but his mother was smart. He was sure she'd think of something.

"Dorian Kedieo"