
So, A Pirate and a Sociopath Walk Into the Col

Aislyn, Dragon, Hermès, Sea, and Lunar as plotted c:


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
04-19-2023, 06:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2023, 11:07 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)

But before the antlered yearling could even respond, the masculine tones of another voice emanated from somewhere in the background as its source emerged from beyond the threshold of the marketplace. The massive brute implied that no one had taught them how to respect a princess. Interesting. Just as he looked for the lavender fae curious to hear what the princess would have to say for herself, instead he caught sight of a small bear ushering her away. Aresenn couldn’t help the tilt of his head, as he was lost in the exchange. “I guess I don’t know what neutrality means?” It was then the obsidian wolf lunged for Sephiran, he noticed another wolf advancing with a hard-set gaze on himself. How had things gone south so quickly?

Aresenn made no move to set defenses, though he did brace for impact. As he felt the tearing of talons ripping into his side, he barred his teeth, snapping at the open air in reflex near his assailant- though he was very careful to avoid making contact. It seemed as if the much smaller male was trying to fight his way on top of his back, and while he wouldn’t kneel in submission, he also wasn’t going to push back. “I’m not interested in fighting. That wasn’t the point of this.” Aresenn seethed to the black and gold wolf through clenched teeth- growl emanating from his chest.

SORRY! I don't know if it still requires a fight form or not. But Aresenn is forfeiting, for clarity's sake.