
So, A Pirate and a Sociopath Walk Into the Col

Aislyn, Dragon, Hermès, Sea, and Lunar as plotted c:



Expert Fighter (191)

Expert Intellectual (137)

3 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

OverachieverLoserUnderachieverCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-20-2023, 12:06 AM

He remained hidden. Quiet in the background of the bushes as he observed his brother and the purple yearling. While Diablo was no saint, something simply didn't sit right with him when it came to the guy his brother had seemingly been spending time with. Something in his gut told him he couldn't be trusted...but he also wasn't sure. Looks could be deceiving, but judging by the way he was looking at the Armadan girl that had shown up to confront them...Diablo didn't like it one bit. His fur bristled in alarm when he suddenly saw two other Armadan wolves come bursting out. The larger one goes for Seph, and the smaller one went after his brother. He cursed under his breath before breaking out of cover, moving to reach his brother's side and fight with him if necessary. He snarled and growled as Aresenn backed away from the other, unwilling to fight as he mentioned the neutrality that the Armadan's claimed to have for the marketplace that his brother had come to check out. The red mohawk that lined his back bristled with agitation as he stood beside his brother. "Glad I decided to follow. But...Dad isn't gonna be too happy about this..." He muttered to his brother, gaze shifting between the attackers. He didn't want to fight either, but he would if he had to. If anything, he could shift all the blame onto the purple guy.
