
How Bright The World



11 Years
10-23-2013, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2013, 11:26 PM by Bane.)
Bane watched Nako feed from Tahlia as his mate watched the juvenile closely, most likely observing how he reacted with the newborns. Fairly well... fairly well, no shoving or jostling against the stomach of their mother. So focused was his attention on Nako that Bane had to pause and recall what Tahlia had just said. Anais. The aging wolf crawled over to his mate and lavished her with a combination of nuzzles and licks that ended up with him nibbling on an ear of her's in happiness. A family was finally in his life now rather than just a mate. They had created something for themselves and now lives of the two wolves were complete. They had both loved, both lost. Now their kindred spirits were together after a binding of their bodies to produce the next generation.

The three pups at Tahlia's side would stumble, they would fall, they would make mistakes, and they would overcome challenges as they lived life. Life. Bane let out a chuff of pride at Tahlia and gave her a lick of appreciation that she had pulled through the birth. Loccain spoke, Bane briefly cooing to his mate and licking her forehead before getting up and turning to the healer. A jerk of his head motioned for Loccain to follow him as he crawled out of the den and outside into the brisk winter before padding a out depression into the snow for him to lay in. Sapphire eyes caught Nako's tracks and he followed them up to the tree line. Bane had come right by there... how did he miss the pup? A sigh escaped his maw as he lay down in the compressed snow. "Is it about the bastard Loccian?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•