
shiny new toy

Rank Challenge - warrior


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Fighter (125)

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
04-20-2023, 01:08 AM

The impact of his skull colliding with her shoulder shuddered down his spine, though the thick muscles of his neck tensed up to avoid bending the wrong way when Hazel leaned into the blow. Rather than being knocked off kilter, she managed to stand her ground. He could feel the air whoosh out of her lungs, ruffling the fur behind his folded ears. Not too seconds later, he can feel the hot sting of her teeth slicing through the skin at the back of his neck in that same spot. She managed to avoid the points of his horns and land a blow in the unguarded area of his ruff. Stratum couldn't help the sudden hiss of breath between his teeth, liver-brown lips peeling away from his oversized fangs in a scowl.

Further proving her superior skills in battle, the smaller fae slipped backwards to avoid his grasping forelimb. She hardly stumbled, and managed to create a gap between their bodies. Probably a good idea, since he was liable to step on her toes (mostly accidentally) at this close range. Goodness knows her toes would be crushed under his own if he wasn't careful. Then she's on the offensive, rounding on him in a flash to snap at his heels like a collie. Tucking his tail neatly between his thighs to keep her from getting any ideas about chomping down on his ass, the golden prince let out a warning growl. Heavy skull turned to keep a gunmetal eye trained on her movements, shuffling his hind paws as best he could to avoid the worst of her sharp nipping and biting.

It's not a great situation to be in, herded around the battlefield by one's opponent. Rather than give in to the easy solution, letting her put him exactly where she wants him- in a timeout corner- Stratum is about ready to throw caution to the wind. It's not going to be particularly gentlemanly or skillful, but it doesn't quite fall into the category of fighting dirty. Right? As Hazel lunged for his ankles again Stratum sought to lift one of his paws and kick straight out and back at her head. Part of it was reflex, the urge to get the teeth away from his legs, and the rest of it was a retaliation. Two could play the game of forcing their personal bubbles on an opponent, and a minor concussion would probably be undesirable enough to convince Hazel to leave his ankles alone.

If there was enough time between her next move, the burly yearling would swing his hind end around and out of her reach. It was easier to face her head on, and the thought of Hazel trying to grab a mouthful of his butt fluff just wasn't that appealing.

Stratum vs Hazel for Dominance (promotion)

Round 2/2

Age: 1+

Size: Extra large

Build: Heavy

Companion 1: Ground Pangolin - Battle

Companion 2: Big Brown Bat, Male - Flying

Mutation 1: Brocket deer antlers - Offensive

Mutation 2: Saber Fangs - Offensive

Skills: Beginner Healer & Advanced Fighter