
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
04-20-2023, 08:39 AM
They were on a self proposed patrol. The knights of the Hallows patrolled the lands of the Hallows to keep them all safe, didn't they? She was going to be a knight so she would help them! With Ginger trotting at her side and Hot Mama acting as eyes in the sky the girl felt confident. If anything happened the true knights would know in a heartbeat and she'd help hold the danger at bay. She could do this! The girl's gaze swept the plains, finding the quietness of the patrol almost… peaceful.

She and Ginger heard the squeals of the hare heartbeats before Hot Mama cried out to alert them of potential danger. Elowen didn't consider the size of the threat or anything. She kicked into a run, heading towards where her cousin is already tangling with the beasts. Hot Mama, true to her name, reaches them first and dive bombs towards them. The cardinal is not meant for battle, but her presence seeks to disrupt an attack and disorient.

Moments later Elowen came slamming into the second coyote who helped with surprise as the would-be knight smashed into its rump. Serrated fangs seek to grab and slice through flesh. She is aware of another Hallows member here about her age fighting too, but it wasn't the time to focus on that right now. They could take after the yotes were dealt with. Ginger had gone for a foreleg of the one El was attacking, leaving the other to Bramble and her companions.

Fight a medium predator (Coyotes) - 1/3
Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.