
I Can Feel The Animal Inside

Dorian Fighting Seasonal



Expert Fighter (145)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years

04-20-2023, 06:08 PM

The shoreline that butts up against the back of Hearthstone has always fascinated the young Callie. While autumn is slowly turning into winter, chilling the air and bringing with it, more rain, the young pup cannot help but feel the tug to go and run along the golden sands. Today, she has worked up enough courage to follow through. Paws carefully pick their way down toward the water, the noonday sun high above and offering some warmth against the persistent chill. A gentle breeze rolls off the water, ruffling her hodgepodge-colored coat and sending a shiver racing along her spine.

As her paws touch the sand, Caladia pauses a moment to relish the feel of the tiny granules underneath her. Continuing her trek to the water’s edge, she opens her senses, taking note of everything around her. Gulls lazily wheel in the sky above her, calling out their hunger to the world below them, their light forms standing in stark contrast to the soft grey clouds that are beginning to roll in. They bring with them, the promise of rain and life. Yet, further out, on the horizon, dark clouds are beginning to gathering, boiling in anger and speaking of a storm that will hit the castle within the next few days.

Caladia stops on the very edge of the water, where the warm liquid can lick at her toes without fully submerge her paws. Inhaling the salt air deep into her lungs, the pup closes her mismatched eyes as enjoys the smell and mentally ticks off the animals that she can smell nearby. Satisfied that there are no predators are close by, the girl opens her eyes and turns herself toward the west where the pack that resides at falls lay beyond the long stretch of shoreline. She crouches slightly, coiling her muscles and holding the powerful stance for space of two breathes.

On the second breath, she holds it a moment, before slowly pushing the air past her lips and releasing the pent up energy in her muscles. Callie shots off down the beach, the wind whipping past her as her legs stretch out as far as they can while the girl sprints across the golden sand. Paws kick up some the granules, sending them flying every which way as she passes. Blood thunders in her ears as she races further and further away from the castle that she calls home.

Breathes come quickly as her legs churn, the girl pushing her body to go as fast as it can for as long as it can. Only when the trees of the neighboring packs land come into view does the young girl slow down, her short legs beginning to feel the burn of lactic acid in her muscles. Caladia carefully slows down until she comes to a complete stop, panting happily at the wonderful run she has just had.

Tongue hangs out of her mouth as she pants, trying to catch her breath before she turns around to walk back home. While she waits, her eyes scan the trees that seem to spring up of nowhere. Just as she readies to turn away and begin the trek back, a noise catches her attention. Low growls roll out of the tree line that are all too familiar to the young pup. A brown form appears as a coyote stalks out toward her, eyes filled with desperation and hunger as it eyes the pup.

Lips pull back to reveal her teeth as the young girl takes up her practiced defensive stance, knowing that, where there is one, there are more coyotes. Sure enough, two more shapes appear, resolving into similar forms, their ribs poking out underneath their coat as they slowly stalk toward her. The memory of the berry grove and how she had been cornered, scared, and alone flashes before her eyes and Callie pushes it away, determined to never again run from a fight.

However, that fight has taught her something and the pup tips her head back and calls to the pack wolves across the border. Caladia asks them for help while also informing them that there are predators lingering in their tree line. With that done, she squares up with the creatures, ready to fight them off and, hopefully, chase them away from the other pack’s lands. The quartet slowly circle each other, feigning attacks to probe each other’s response.

She attempts to buy time for someone to come and help as she half-heartedly lunges toward the predators, slapping the sand in front of them with her paws before retreating backward. They all growl threateningly, waiting for someone else to make the first move. The biggest of the trio grows tired of their game and kicks off the fight, attempting to rush Caladia and knock her over. While the pup still has some growing to do, she is not easily bullied and she meets the coyote with teeth and paws, ready to end this fight one way or another.

WC: 833
Total WC: 833 / 1500

"Caladia Carpathius"