
Trouble on the Way



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-20-2023, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2023, 11:02 PM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

The brute from the other side of the creek was interesting to look at, she’d give him that. However, the intensity of the energy he put off wasn’t really her style, not that it mattered in that particular moment. It would have been difficult to cause a rise out of her big enough to overcome the smokey high and ruin her good mood.  

Instead of an immediate response, she was met with the sound of splashing as the stranger crossed the stream- though, she wouldn’t meet his dual-toned gaze. Her own, settling on her muted reflection before her as she made a half-attempt at hiding the smirk that threatened her resolve. Though when he made the comment of the buzzards waiting for their turn at herself, she couldn’t help the airy giggle that escaped her chest. As he moved in closer, it was then she grasped just how much larger he was. As he loomed over her head, she couldn’t help but gawk at the gaping wounds at his side. As much as she wanted to continue with the banter, she couldn’t even to begin to quell the desire to confront the challenge. Not that it would be all that challenging in its current state. Tilting her chin back a bit so she could look him in the face, she cleared her throat to speak. “So are you just going to stand there and bleed into the creek?” She asked hazily, looking through the sneer that she thought was supposed to be an intimidation tactic. “Or would you like something to take the edge off?”  Judging by what she thought were massive claw marks, they couldn’t feel good. Not that she cared if he suffered or not. This was for her benefit in order to satisfy the urge to play a game.

Leaning back down to the creek, she took another drink, before facing him once more. “Some Marigold, Ginseng Root, and Agrimony could do you some good ...” Aurelia taunted lightly. She was sure that he’d have no idea what any of those were for, but running through the treatment in her head was something that she just couldn’t help. Luckily for him, the wounds didn’t have an odor beyond blood yet. However, leaving them exposed to the open world was simply begging for death. “Wouldn’t want that to get infected.” She finished softly, flashing a grin of her own before glancing back across the creek.

"Aurelia Veratti"