
By The Fire's Side

Anthea Intellect Seasonal



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
04-21-2023, 05:58 PM
Being enclosed within the castle was still a difficult thing for her to adjust to even after spending a couple of seasons with the wolves of The Hallows. She still often found herself getting restless at night from time to time and wanting to see more of the sky than what she could see through her window. It was a strange thing considering she had a more traditional den in her old home where she could see even less of the sky when she was tucked into bed, but perhaps it was just the fact that she had been much closer to the outside back then than she was in her new room down the winding corridors of the castle that made the difference. Slowly she was getting used to this new way of life of living in a pack with so many wolves around her and hopefully with time she would fully adapt to this new lifestyle as well.

Until that day came though, she relaxed by walking the borders at night, releasing some of her anxious energy and getting some fresh air while still feeling like she was being helpful by doing patrols. She tried not to stay out too late so that she could be up bright and early for patrols and training with Mercury, but she couldn't deny her love of the cool night time air and how bright and clear the stars looked. She looked up at the sky almost as much as she looked at the path ahead of her, a little smile on her lips. However, her peaceful walk was disrupted a bit as she noticed something billowing up through the night sky. She didn't catch it at first, but as her steps slowed and she squinted through the darkness, she realized it was smoke obscuring her view of the stars. It didn't seem like a thick, heavy column of smoke–or at least not yet–but the first hints of smoke that she had seen back before her former home had been snatched away hadn't seemed like much either.

Her smile faded with a look of concern and she glanced back at the castle for a moment as she wondered if she should go back to find someone first or if she should investigate right away. Hopefully it was nothing, but if she just assumed it was and kept going and then it turned into something worse then she would never forgive herself. Stepping away from the pack borders and moving through the aspen forest that stood ahead of her, she followed the smell of the campfire until she reached the edge of the clearing and spotted the fire that lucky seemed very contained with a slightly purple-hued young woman laying beside it. Well, at least it was just a campfire that the stranger had an eye on so Anthea was able to relax with the reassurance that this was a very different situation than back in her homeland. She turned to go back to her patrol, but when she did her paw landed right on a dried bit of a branch and it made an obnoxiously loud snap under her weight. Glancing back over her shoulder at the stranger she saw that her accidental noise had startled her.

She briefly considered just darting back to Hallows land simply out of embarrassment for disturbing her the ways she had, but that felt even more weird, especially after the other woman called out, clearly looking for whoever had made the noise. Anthea hesitated for a moment more before sighing softly and stepping out into the clearing and walking closer to the fire. "Sorry to disturb you!" she apologized as she got close enough to talk comfortably, giving the younger woman a smile. "I just saw the smoke from over there and wanted to make sure it was just a campfire and not anything dangerous."

WC: 649
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"Anthea Dásos"