
Trouble on the Way



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-22-2023, 10:53 AM

Even in the depths of her partially sedated consciousness, she couldn’t deny feeling the charge of energy that transferred between them at the graze of a touch. Shifting her attention to where they had made contact a moment, she could see her own fur rising to attention, though her reaction time was far delayed. Instead she made no move, returning her attention to meet the hard-cut features of his face. It seemed that her new friend was a little sensitive when it came to the jeers at his expense. However, she made no move to to wipe the smirk from her own features. As he implied that she was offering herself, she chuckled once more before meeting the eye contact he was seeking. “It wouldn’t be an even trade.” She answered lightly, but this time with a little more weight than what she had been offering masked in her euphoric, ditsy state.

At the mention of herbs, however, even she wasn’t too ‘out-of-it’ to notice the peak in interest. He insisted that she Go on. But this was her game … and that’s not how the rules worked. “I’m not here to wait on you hand and foot.” Aurelia shot back, though her teasing smirk remained. In that moment she casually looked over her shoulder from the way she had came, before seeking out that dual-colored gaze of his. “If you want to be patched up, you’re going to have to come to the source.” After all, she wasn’t sure she could make it back to her den and back without falling over. And once she hit the ground, she was sure she’d pass out. At the mention of payment, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Saving you from blood poisoning is worth your life, and I just don’t think you can afford that price.” Chances are, his injuries wouldn’t succumb to that … but it wasn’t out of the question entirely, and he didn’t need to know the likelihood of the result. She was no stranger to exploiting favors for the sake of her benefit, and this seemed like a prime opportunity to do that. “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.” Aurelia finished, offering a wink as she righted herself to spin on her heels.

That was all the invite she was going to offer him. Just as suddenly as she arrived at the creek, she turned to leave. Hauling herself up the ridge and over the crest. After navigating around a thicket, her fallen log came into sight. The faint traces of smoke dancing out of the entrance and various other cracks in the ruined structure. “You can come inside, but don’t touch anything.” Aurelia warned as she crossed the threshold. She immediately went to the rock down the narrow  trunk where her incense was smoldering. What was left, still had some burn time, so she didn’t have to worry about replenishing it just yet. Satisfied, she then went to seek out the list of remedies that she could use. For the major wounds, as she had said before, Marigold, Agrimony, and Ginseng Root. Casting a look over her shoulder, there were quite a few minor scrapes that would likely be alright without major intervention. A simple Dandelion tea might take care of any impact trauma. Though, he could likely manage that one on his own. Grabbing her belongings, she returned to his side, setting them down within easy reach. “As I remove the debris and apply the salve, take deep breaths. Hold it in, and slowly exhale. It’ll help with the pain.” He could thank her later.

"Aurelia Veratti"