
Trouble on the Way


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-22-2023, 10:56 AM

Another snarky comment, though he perceived it differently than she had meant it. Indeed, it wouldn’t be an even trade. The Saxe boy was a far better prize than herself, given his bloodline and skill set. But, he was willing to offer her a little taste in return for her services, which was awfully generous of him. Or so his grandiosity told him. So, even when she resorted back to teasing, peering up at him through hazy eyes and flashing him a coy smirk that was almost flirtatious, he decided to keep playing this little game. “I can afford more than you think.” He said with a smirk, ignoring her comment about blood poisoning. It wasn’t a concern to him, even if it was possible. Because the Saxe boy was far too tough to succumb to something so insignificant. More like too arrogant to consider it.

When she turned to leave, he didn’t hesitate to follow her. He fell in stride beside her, looming over her smaller frame as they weaved through the forest. A fallen log finally came into view, which must have been their destination because the girl slipped inside after inviting him in. He didn’t rush after her at first. Instead, he stood outside the opening for a few moments, noting the clouds of smoke billowing out from it. The smell was the same as what was on her pelt, which wasn’t surprising. He just thought the smoke itself was weird. After making the observation, he slipped inside, having to turn his shoulders to fit. The log was a good size for her to live in, but he barely fit inside of it with enough room to turn around.

A wave of smoke rolled over his face, burning his eyes and causing him to snort after taking a deep inhale of the incense. He traced her movement as she inspected a pile of herbs that was generating smoke, before moving to an organized storage of plants and other medicinal supplies. He took that moment to take in his surroundings, noting where things were in this little abode of hers. And then, with another snort and a cough, he carelessly flopped onto the ground and caused a small cloud of dirt and debris to rise into the air.

When she came to his injured side, he leaned his other side against the wall of the log, propping himself into a more comfortable position. His head was almost touching the roof, and he had to tip it down to look at her.  Even now, he still looked like a giant compared to her. When she gave him instructions, he said nothing. He just looked down at her with a stoic expression, expecting her to complete her task and meet his expectations. And, if she didn’t, well… there wasn’t much of an opportunity to escape him now, given their proximity.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.