
lets start out easy, shall we?




1 Year
04-22-2023, 01:10 PM

Aji rolled her eyes as her sister srhugged and proceeded to chew on the plant that neither of them seemed to know anything about. Yeah why wouldn't I? Delphi said as she continued. "Maybe because you don't know if it's poisonous or not. And now you just ate it," Aji said, her brow furrowed in some mixture of sourness and concern. She really didn't need her only tolerable sibling to choke or get sick. Well, she guessed if worst came to worst, she could just induce vomiting - not that that would be desirable for either of them.

Delphi complained the plant really didn't taste good, and Aji took another cautious whiff of the half-chewed leaves her sister had taken a chunk out of. Her nose wrinkled instinctively at the smell. Something in the back of her mind seemed to turn, the cogs in her brain whirring as she racked her brains for some of the basic herbs Ulmaria may have mentioned to the duo as they had expressed interest in medicinals. Her sister proceeded to mention she really didn't like the plant either, and Aji turned to her and added, "Well, at least now you know not to take a big chunk out of it next time. Right?" Her tone wasn't accusatory, nor judgemental. Her sister was just..impulsive. Something she had gotten use to rather quickly since they'd left their birthden. The thin-legged girl nodded as Delphi mentioned Ulmaria might know the herb. "Yeah, she did mention some common to this region. I wonder if it's..what it's called.." Then Delphi mentioned skunk smell. The cogs turned faster now as she found the name on the tip of her tongue.

Oh dear. She knew what it was. "Delph, it's that stuff she told us smelled funny. Cannabis. It makes your mind all fuzzy, but it isn't inherently toxic." Well thank goodness for that. At least she could breathe a sigh of relief knowing her little sibling would be a tad loopy for a bit, but wouldn't be affected permanently.