
as far as i can see, i see nothing at all


04-22-2023, 05:35 PM

She continued to look at him as he spoke aloud. Okay so at least he had plan because she surely didn’t. From here on out, once she finally learned how to speak, she would have to thank him for the rest of her dang life! Her head would tilt again because she really didn’t know. When she had awoken, she was on this sandy beach with nothing else around her. Unknown to her, the raft she had been on had crashed in the shallows and then went back out to sea with the tide. Anything that could have possibly been with her was now gone.

Another shrug moved her shoulders to confirm his suspicions. While she wasn’t sure what a slave was or what she could do to contribute to this pack, this Halo girl he spoke of sounded nice and comforting. At least she would make sure she didn’t get hurt, right? Still, the girl listened and nodded in accordance to his words. Okay so be a “slave” (whatever that was) to this Halo and then once they found something she was good at, she could move up to that? That sounded like a good plan. Not like she had anything else to do…

One more confirming nod to Mortis and she finally smiled. It was a tender smile with timidity and uncertainty, but it was a smile. She would go with him to wherever this pack was of his dad’s and try her best to contribute. If she didn’t want to, she would let him know. Got it. Yes. Her tail even wagged a few times to solidify that she was ready for this plan!