
Stolen Away In The Dead of Night



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-23-2023, 09:43 PM

Isa was infuriated, to say the least. The blue woman had been out hunting on Armada lands, working to fill the stores. As she ran after her prey, the fae didn't realize that something was hunting her as well. More t=han one something. A trio of slavers had glimpsed the lady's glacial coat and had decided that she might fetch a fair price. With practiced ease, the trio of dires hemmed the woman in. They'd done this many times before, she could tell. Though the little woman was fiery and she put up a fight, she was no match for three of them and soon they overtook her. One of them knocked her hard on the head after she'd bitten the face of another and Isa went out like a light.

To save themselves from more injury, the brutes trussed the fae up, tying forelegs and hind legs together. When Isa regained consciousness, she was hanging upside down from a sturdy pole, each end carried by two of the men. They'd tied her mouth shut as well and so she couldn't even curse them. All the woman could do was thrash a bit, but they'd bound her so tightly that her movement didn't affect them much.

Thunder rumbled in the sky and the three slavers exchanged glances before changing course. Isa could smell thick rain on the air and knew that soon the land would be obscured by heavy rainfall. Again and again thunder crashed as the storm moved closer. The trio picked up their pace, hightailing it to a series of caves where they dumped the fae unceremoniously onto the stone floor. From her place on the stone, Isa could see strange drawings on the walls every time that the lightning illuminated the space. What was this place? A shiver tore through the blue woman and she realized that they'd left her cloak behind; the one that Sirius had made her. Would someone find it and think to come to her aid or would she once again find herself on a ship and swept out to sea? Time would tell. For now, all she could do was lay on the cold ground and wait.
